Home : Problems with MS04-011 (KB835732) Security Patch from Microsoft
Q94303 - ERRMSG: Problems with MS04-011 (KB835732) Security Patch from Microsoft

Problems with MS04-011 (KB835732) Security Patch from Microsoft


Many of our customers have reported problems with their VB/ASP accessing Java applications after installing the following Microsoft security update:

The problems usually appear with these error messages:
  • Early or Late binding: "No Object for Moniker"
  • Zero client installation: "Run-time error '70': Permission Denied"

This problem has been fixed in the latest version of J-Integra. You can download the latest version of J-Integra from our website. If you require a license for the latest version, please join the J-Integra Software Maintenance Plan.

If you continue to have problems after installing and using the patch, please contact support. Special thanks goes to Nagaraj Atluri of RSA Security for his input in helping resolve this problem!

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Created on 6/23/2006.
Last Modified on 7/11/2006.
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