Home : AutomationException: 0x80070057 - One or more arguments are invalid
Q133059 - ERRMSG: AutomationException: 0x80070057 - One or more arguments are invalid

AutomationException: 0x80070057 - One or more arguments are invalid


You may get AutomationException: 0x80070057 - One or more arguments are invalid when programming OPC in Java. This error is caused by incorrect array indices. The indices of some OPC collection objects have to start from 1. This is not a problem in VB because the index of a VB array also starts from 1. For example, the VB program below works fine:

Dim TestServer As OPCServer
Dim TestGroupCollection As OPCGroups
Dim WithEvents Group1 As OPCGroup
Dim ItemCollection1 As OPCItems

Dim OPCItemIDs() As String
Dim ClientHandles() As Long
Dim ReadWriteHandles() As Long

Dim ItemServerHandles() As Long
Dim ItemServerErrors() As Long
Dim RequestedDataTypes As Variant
Dim AccessPaths As Variant
Dim MaxItems As Integer

' Start monitoring the value
Private Sub StartBtn_Click()
  Dim ItemTag As String
  ItemTag = "D57PT201.AI_MEAS"

  Dim ItemValues() As Variant
  Dim ItemQualities As Variant
  Dim ItemTimeStamps As Variant
  Dim idx As Integer

  MaxItems = 1
  ReDim OPCItemIDs(MaxItems)
  ReDim ClientHandles(MaxItems)
  ReDim ReadWriteHandles(MaxItems)

  ' Create connection to the OPC server
  Set TestServer = CreateObject("Matrikon.OPC.Automation.1")

  TestServer.Connect "Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1"

  ' Create a group to contain the tag
  Set TestGroupCollection = TestServer.OPCGroups
  Set Group1 = TestGroupCollection.Add("group1")
  Group1.ClientHandle = 100
  Group1.UpdateRate = 1000

  Set ItemCollection1 = Group1.OPCItems
  ItemCollection1.DefaultAccessPath = ""

  ' Add the tag
  For idx = 1 To MaxItems
    ClientHandles(idx) = idx
    OPCItemIDs(idx) = ItemTag
  Next idx

  ItemCollection1.AddItems MaxItems, OPCItemIDs, ClientHandles, ItemServerHandles, ItemServerErrors, RequestedDataTypes, AccessPaths
  MsgBox "Success"
End Sub

However if you map the above VB code to Java code, you need to increment the index of corresponding Java array by 1. In the Java example below, please pay attention to how Java arrays opcItemIDs and clientHandles are instantiated, and also how the for loop handles the index.

import opcauto.*;

public class OpcExample {

  OPCServer testServer;
  OPCGroups testGroupCollection;
  OPCGroup group1;
  OPCItems itemCollection1;

  String[] opcItemIDs;
  int[] clientHandles;
  int[] readWriteHandles;

  int[][] itemServerHandles;
  int[][] itemServerErrors;
  Object requestedDataTypes = null;
  Object accessPaths = null;
  int maxItems;

  boolean started = false;

  public OpcExample() {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    OpcExample opcExample = new OpcExample();

  private void start(){
    try {
      String tagVal;
      String ItemTag = "D57PT201.AI_MEAS";

      Object[][] itemValues;
      Object[] itemQualities;
      Object[] itemTimeStamps;
      int idx;

      if (!started) {
        maxItems = 1;
        opcItemIDs = new String[maxItems+1];
        clientHandles = new int[maxItems+1];

        readWriteHandles = new int[maxItems];

        itemServerHandles = new int[1][maxItems];
        itemServerErrors = new int[1][maxItems];
        itemValues = new Object[1][maxItems];
        itemQualities = new Object[maxItems];
        itemTimeStamps = new Object[maxItems];

        // Create connection to the OPC server
        testServer = new OPCServer();

        testServer.connect("Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1", null);

        // Create a group to contain the tag
        testGroupCollection = testServer.getOPCGroups();
        group1 = testGroupCollection.add("group1");

        itemCollection1 = group1.getOPCItems();

        // Add the tag
        for(idx=1; idx<maxItems+1; idx++) {
          clientHandles[idx] = idx;
          opcItemIDs[idx] = ItemTag;

        itemCollection1.addItems(maxItems, opcItemIDs, clientHandles, itemServerHandles, itemServerErrors, requestedDataTypes, accessPaths);

    } catch (Exception e){
    } finally {
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Created on 6/23/2006.
Last Modified on 7/11/2006.
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