import com.linar.jintegra.*;
import com.intrinsyc.cdo.*;
import java.util.Date;
public class SendTaskRequest {
// Modify the following variables based on your specific setup
// domain where the CDO host machine belongs, make sure it's all capitalized
static String domain = "DOMAIN";
// Java-Exchange username
static String user = "username";
// password of Java-Exchange user
static String password = "password";
// mailbox of Java-Exchange user
static String mailbox = "mailbox";
// IP address or name of the CDO host machine
static String CDOmachine = "";
// IP address or name of the Exchange Server
static String exchangeServer = "";
// e-mail address of the person assigned for this task
static String assignTo = "";
// MAPI Constants to determine property set and individual properties
// specific to task items
static String CDOPROPSETID2 = "0320060000000000C000000000000046";
static String CDOTASK_STARTDATE = "0x8104";
static String CDOTASK_DUEDATE = "0x8105";
static String CDOTASK_PERCENTCOMPLETE = "0x8102";
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// Authenticate to NT domain via NTLM
AuthInfo.setDefault(domain, user, password);
// Start a MAPI Session
Session session = new Session(CDOmachine);
// Logon to the Exchange Server
session.logon(null, null, null, null, null, null,
exchangeServer + "\n" + mailbox);
// Retrieve task items for the Task Folder
// Since CDO does not have direct support for Outlook task items,
// we retrieve them as messages
Integer folderID = new Integer(CdoDefaultFolderTypes.CdoDefaultFolderTasks);
Folder taskFolder = new FolderProxy(session.getDefaultFolder(folderID));
Messages tasks = new MessagesProxy(taskFolder.getMessages());
// Add a task
Message task = new MessageProxy(tasks.add(null, null, null, null));
// Set task properties
task.setSubject("Evaluate J-Integra for Exchange");
task.setText("Perform a proof of concept for adding messaging capability " +
"to existing Web application by integrating Java and MS Exchange " +
"via interoperability tool called J-Integra for Exchange");
// Set other task properties not readily accessible through CDO by
// using some undocumented MAPI property tags
Fields fields = new FieldsProxy(task.getFields());
// Set the task start date
Field field = new FieldProxy(fields.add(
CDOTASK_STARTDATE, // name of the property
new Integer(7), // value data type, 7 maps to vbDate*
new Date(), // value of the property
// Set the task end date
Field field2 = new FieldProxy(fields.add(
CDOTASK_DUEDATE, // name of the property
new Integer(7), // value data type, 7 maps to vbDate*
new Date(), // value of the property
// Set the task's percent completion
Field field3 = new FieldProxy(fields.add(
CDOTASK_PERCENTCOMPLETE, // name of the property
new Integer(5), // value data type, 5 maps to vbDouble*
new Double(0.15), // value of the property
// Create task recipient
Recipients recipients = new RecipientsProxy(task.getRecipients());
Recipient recipient = new RecipientProxy(recipients.add(null, null, null, null));
// Each recipient added must be resolved before it can be used.
// 0 == false to inhibit dialog boxes from popping up
recipient.resolve(new Integer(0));
// Update and send the task request
task.update(new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true));
task.send(new Boolean(true), null, null); // saves a copy in the sender's task folder
System.out.println("Task request has been sent.");
// Logoff and release all COM references
} catch (Exception ex) {