The CheckConfig Tool


J-Integra® has been used to access thousands of different COM object on multiple Windows platforms. To assist our support team in resolving configuration issues, the CheckConfig tool is used to print out information about your platform and configuration. The output produced by CheckConfig is used to check that your Windows system is setup correctly to access COM objects via DCOM.

Command Line Options

Type checkconfig /? to view the usage information. The different options are:

Interpreting the Output

Most of the output is self explanatory. Items marked with three stars ( *** ) indicate errors or suspicious settings. CheckConfig displays the following system information:


First, make sure you have configured DCOM correctly.

If you are getting "access denied" errors, then pay close attention to the Access Permissions and Launch Permissions for the COM CLSID you are attempting to access. Also check what groups your user name is a member of in the Checking Username section of the output.

Also check that DCOM is enabled in the Checking DCOM settings section of the output, and that connecting to the SCM was successful in both the Connecting to SCM and IP Configuration sections.

GUI Version

A GUI version of CheckConfig is available and can be downloaded from our website.