Accessing Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) from Java

Java/J2EE COM Interoperability Products Page

This example demonstrates how to access Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) from Java. J-Integra® for COM is a Java interoperability component that bridges Java and Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS). It provides bi-directional access of Java objects and COM components.

// Example of interfacing to Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) 4.02 
// from pure Java, using J-Integra®. 
// This Java program sets up a Dragon voice command menu with 
// the voice commands, "Top" and "Bottom". For a 15 second period, 
// the program displays events received from Dragon NaturallySpeaking 
// corresponding to usage of these voice commands. 
// Authors: Sven Wiener, Ahmad Hashemi-Sakhtsari, Oliver Carr, Feb 2001. 
// Procedure for making Java wrappers to access COM components: 
// ------------------------------------------------------------ 
// Java wrappers were made using the J-Integra® com2java utility 
// on the DNS DLL installed at \speech\dragon\dnstk10.dll 
// with com2java selected options of: 
//        "Lowercase method names" 
//        "Prompt for names for imported tlbs" 
//        "Generate deprecated constructors" 
//        "Ignore interfaces that may conflict" 
// Of these options, "Prompt for names for imported tlbs" was found 
// to be critical for correct generation of Java wrappers. 
// In particular when run, com2java prompted for a Java package name for 
// the type library, \system32\StdOle2.tlb which was 
// referenced by \speech\dragon\dnstk10.dll     . 
// "StdOle2" was entered into com2java as the Java package name to be 
// used for references to types from the imported StdOle2.tlb type library. 
// Having made Java wrappers for calling COM components within 
// \speech\dragon\dnstk10.dll, another set of Java wrappers 
// was generated using com2java on \system32\StdOle2.tlb 
// and specifying "StdOle2" as the Java package name. The package name 
// used here had to have the same case as when entered earlier during 
// generation of the dnstk10.dll Java wrappers. 
// Files needed to compile and run test_drag application : 
//  (this file) 
//     jintegra.jar    (J-Integra® Java archive file, version 1.3.8) 
//     drag.jar        (Built from com2java-generated *.java wrapper files 
//                           using dnstk10.dll as input) 
//     stdole2.jar     (Built from com2java-generated *.java wrapper files 
//                           using \system32\stdole2.tlb as input) 
// Compile test_drag using: 
//    javac -classpath ".;jintegra.jar;drag.jar" 
// Run test_drag using: 
//    java -cp ".;jintegra.jar;drag.jar;stdole2.jar" test_drag 
import com.linar.jintegra.*; 
import drag.*; 
class Listener extends _DDgnVCmdEventsAdapter { 
   * commandRecognize. Occurs when a command associated with this 
   *                   voice-command object is recognized. 
   * @param     theEvent The  
   * @exception If there are communications problems. 
   * @exception com.linar.jintegra.AutomationException If the remote server 
   *         throws an exception. 
  public void commandRecognize(_DDgnVCmdEventsCommandRecognizeEvent theEvent) 
    throws, com.linar.jintegra.AutomationException { 
    System.out.println("Recognised command \"" + theEvent.getCommand() + "\""); 
    eventCount++;        // Increment count of voice commands received. 
  public Listener() { 
    eventCount = 0; 
  public int eventCount;  // Counts voice command events received. 
} // of class Listener 
public class test_drag { 
  public static void main(String[] args) { 
    try { 
        "Please wait while the Dragon speech engine starts up ..."); 
      // Construct a DgnVoiceCmd object 
      // (as distinct from the Dragon Voice Command COM object) 
      // on this machine. 
      DgnVoiceCmd VCmd = new DgnVoiceCmd(); 
      // Construct a DgnMicBtn object on this machine. 
      DgnMicBtn MicBtn = new DgnMicBtn(); 
      // Register this application with the Dragon Microphone Button COM object 
      // and connect to the Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech engine. 
      // This step takes about five seconds on a Pentium III-866. 
      // A two voice-command menu is set up so that Dragon 
      // will generate command recognize events. The design 
      // of this voice menu is based on that used in the 
      // standard "Simple" example in the Dragon SDK 4.0, 
      // that demonstrates interfacing to Dragon via COM. 
      // Register this application with the Dragon Voice Command COM object. 
      VCmd.register("", new Integer(DgnRegisterConstants.dgnregGlobalCM)); 
      // Create a voice menu on the Dragon Voice Command COM object. 
      // The new menu is temporary and is discarded when the voice-menu object 
      // is released implicitly, upon going out of scope. 
      IVMenuAuto myMenu = 
        VCmd.menuCreate("Simple App", "Simple Menu", 
                        DgnLanguageConstants.dgnlangUSEnglish, "", 
      // Add commands, "Top" (command Id = 1) 
      // and "Bottom" (command Id=2) to the new voice menu. 
      myMenu.add(1, "Top", "Simple Navigation Commands", 
                 "Sets focus to top box", null, null); 
      myMenu.add(2, "Bottom", "Simple Navigation Commands", 
                 "Sets focus to bottom box", null, null); 
      // This line is critical. No command recognize events will be sent by the 
      // Dragon Voice Command COM object unless the new voice menu is 
      // set active. 
      // Construct a voice command event listener, customised to display 
      // details of received command recognize events, 
      // and register it with the Dragon Voice Command COM object. 
      Listener myListener = new Listener(); 
      // Switch on the Dragon microphone. 
      System.out.println("Now accepting voice commands, \"Top\" or \"Bottom\"" 
                         + " for the next 15 seconds"); 
      // This thread now sleeps for 15 seconds while the 
      // listener receives command recognize events and 
      // displays their contents. 
      // Stop listening to voice command events from the 
      // voice command object. 
      // Deactivate voice menu. 
      // Switch off Dragon microphone. 
      System.out.print("Total events received by Listener : "); 
      // Unregister this application from the Dragon Microphone Button 
      // and Dragon Voice Command COM objects. Disconnects from the 
      // Dragon speech engine. 
      // Release any COM objects that have not been garbage collected. 
      // Otherwise, the 60MB Dragon process stays loaded in memory for some 
      // period of time after this function has ended. 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
  } // of main(). 
} // of class test_drag