Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3

Java/J2EE COM Interoperability Products Page

This example demonstrates how to access MTS hosted COM objects from Java using JBuilder 3. J-Integra® for COM is a Java interoperability component that bridges Java and MTS hosted COM objects. It provides bi-directional access of Java objects and COM components.

In this article I am going to show you exactly what is involved in using JBuilder 3 to develop a pure Java application which accesses COM objects hosted in Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS). Both the JBuilder development environment and the resulting application will run under Windows NT, Solaris and Linux, with no native code required.

I am going to introduce you to the basics of COM, by way of a small Tic-Tac-Toe example that Microsoft ships with MTS. There is a standard Visual Basic client which can be used to invoke the COM components that implement the game's logic. You will see how easy it is to use JBuilder to create an equivalent pure Java client which will run on any platform that supports a standard JVM:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Overview

Please don't be misled. Although this example is based on the Tic-Tac-Toe game COM component that ships with MTS, you can use the techniques illustrated below to help your enterprise leverage new and existing COM components, re-using them from pure Java, saving your organization significant amounts of both time and money.

In order to help JBuilder integrate COM objects into a pure Java application this example makes use of a pure Java-COM bridging tool called J-Integra® from Intrinsyc Software, Inc.

The nice thing about using JBuilder 3 with J-Integra® to access COM objects is that you are not really aware that the objects you are accessing are actually anything other than normal Java objects. They are presented to you as standard Java objects.

This article will be of interest to anyone that needs to access COM components from pure Java applications created with JBuilder.

What you will need to try out the example in this article

In this article I have presented enough detail for you to be able to try it out for yourself. If you do wish to have a go, you will need:

An Introduction to COM

As a Java developer you are already familiar with the concept of Java interfaces which describe what something looks like without saying anything about how it is implemented. You are also familiar with Java classes, which contain actual implementation code.

You can not create an instance of an interface, because interfaces by definition contain no implementation -- you can only create instances of classes (which you can then access via interfaces).

The fundamental ideas behind COM are exactly the same. There is the concept of COM interfaces, which say what something looks like (but nothing about how it is implemented) and there is the concept of COM classes, which contain implementation code.

COM interfaces and classes are defined in a special Interface Definition Language (IDL).

A simple COM interface:

  odl,  uuid(CAAD7F9A-F22D-11D0-B5CB-00C04FB957D8), helpstring("IComputer Interface"),
  dual, oleautomation
interface IComputer : IDispatch {
  HRESULT AddNewGame([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEasy, [out] VARIANT* pvGameID, [out] VARIANT* pvOrder,
                     [out] VARIANT* pvX,      [out] VARIANT* pvY);
  HRESULT NewMove([in] long lGameID,    [in] VARIANT_BOOL bEasy, [in] long lX, [in] long lY, 
                  [out] VARIANT* pvMyX, [out] VARIANT* pvMyY,    [out] VARIANT* pvWin);
This interface comes from the Tic-Tac-Toe example which ships with MTS. It defines methods to start a new game and to make a new move in an existing game.

I have marked out in bold the name of the interface and the methods in the interface. You can probably work out the meaning of the various parameters ... the only non-obvious element is the VARIANT type -- a parameter of this type can be pretty much anything -- a string, a number, a reference to another object, whatever.

A simple COM class which implements the interface:

  helpstring("Computer Class")
coclass Computer {
    [default] interface IComputer;
I have marked in bold the name of the class, and the interface it implements. COM clients can create instances of the Computer COM class, which they can then access via the IComputer COM interface. In theory other COM classes could implemented the IComputer COM interface, and clients could access those classes using the same calling code.

Type libraries

IDL files can be compiled into a binary form known as a type libary, which can in turn be embedded inside executable files or dynamic link libraries. The type library which defines the above class and interfaces comes with MTS in \Program Files\Mts\Samples\Packages\tServer.dll.

So how does MTS fit in?

The Microsoft Transaction Server provides an execution runtime environment which hosts COM components and provides a variety of services for them.

You can configure COM components in MTS using the Microsoft Transaction Server explorer, started using Start|Programs|Microsoft NT 4.0 Option Pack|Microsoft Transaction Server|Transacton Server Explorer. This is what the explorer looks like:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: MTS Explorer

Accessing COM classes and interfaces from Java

One relatively straight-forward way of accessing COM classes and interfaces from Java is to use the Microsoft Java implementation, which incorporates special hooks making it quite easy to access COM objects from Java. Unfortunately if you use the MS JVM then you can only run your Java client programs under Windows, because the MS JVM is only available for Windows.

This example takes another route by using a pure Java-COM bridging product called J-Integra® from my company (Intrinsyc Software, Inc.). J-Integra® lets you access COM objects from all Java implementations. Also, because it requires no native code your Java software can run on any platform that supports a standard JVM. JBuilder 3 and J-Integra® work seamlessly together to provide easy access to COM objects.

In order to access the above COM class and interface from Java, you run a J-Integra® tool called 'com2java' which reads the type information from the type library, and outputs pure Java classes and interfaces which can be used to access the corresponding COM classes and interfaces.

Generating pure Java proxies

If you wish to try out this example, create a subdirectory called c:\temp\tictactoe, download an evaluation version of J-Integra® and run the 'com2java' tool, specifying the Tic-Tac-Toe type library as the type library to be processed, tictactoe as the name of the package for the generated files, and c:\temp\tictactoe as the output directory:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Generate proxies

The generated files

The com2java tool will have generated: From Java you can now create an instance of the Computer COM class by creating an instance of the generated Computer Java class, and access its methods from Java by invoking the methods on the Java Computer object.

It is important to understand that the generated files can be used on any operating system that supports a standard JVM. Although you need a Windows machine to generate them (because the 'com2java' tool only runs under Windows), you only need to generate them once -- you do not need the 'com2java' tool at run-time, it is a development tool.

Type mapping

Above you saw how the IComputer COM interface defines two methods which take various parameters.

Some of the parameters are passed by reference and are modifiable, as signified by the [out] attribute. Since Java parameters are always passed by value, J-Integra® maps COM parameters that are passed by reference to single element arrays.

Also, some of the parameters are VARIANTS (which can contain any type). J-Integra® maps these to the Java java.lang.Object class, the actual parameter value being a java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, etc.

This is the AddNewGame method in the IComputer COM interface:

  HRESULT AddNewGame([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEasy, [out] VARIANT* pvGameID, [out] VARIANT* pvOrder,
                     [out] VARIANT* pvX,      [out] VARIANT* pvY);
... and this is the corresponding method generated in the IComputer Java interface:
  public void addNewGame  (
              boolean bEasy,
              Object[] pvGameID,
              Object[] pvOrder,
              Object[] pvX,
              Object[] pvY) throws, com.linar.jintegra.AutomationException;
In a moment you will see how this method is used.

Creating the Java application using JBuilder 3

I am going to quickly go through the steps to create a Java GUI client which uses the generated files to access the COM components and interfaces you have just seen.

The original Visual Basic client

First though, this is the GUI presented by the Visual Basic example client which uses the Tic-Tac-Toe COM classes. It is important to understand that this client is totally apart from the COM components hosted in MTS, and executes outside of the MTS environment:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: VB GUI

The Java client you will build

We are going to use JBuilder to create an equivalent Java client application. Because the Java client will run on any machine (such as a Solaris or Linux machine), there are a couple of additional fields specifying authentication information, and identifying the NT machine running MTS:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Java client

Creating the JBuilder project

First, start JBuilder 3, and create a new project using File|New...|Project and click on the Finish button.

Next add a new application to your project using File|New...|Application, specify 'TicTacToeClient' as the application class name, and click on the Next button:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Add new application

Enter 'TicTacToeFrame' as the Frame class name and 'COM Tic-Tac-Toe pure Java Client created using JBuilder' as the Title. Finally check the Generate status bar checkbox, and click on Finish:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Enter details

Add the grid panel to the GUI

Make sure the TicTacToeFrame is selected, and click on the Design button to enter the JBuilder GUI builder.

Select the Swing Containers tab, click on the first button in the toolbar (JPanel), and click on the main window to create a new frame. Set the new panel's name property to 'gridPanel'.

Select the Swing tab, click on the first button in the toolbar (JButton), and click on the strip representing the panel to create a button in the panel. Do this a total of three times to create three buttons.

Change the constraints of the panel to West, and set its layout property to GridLayout.

A new gridLayout1 item will have appeared in the hierarchy of objects, double-click on it to display its properties:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Display gridLayout1 properties

Set its columns and rows properties to '3'.

Double-click on the gridPanel and add six more buttons to the panel. Rename each of the buttons based on its XY position in the grid, the first row being 'btn00', 'btn01', 'btn02', etc. You should now have two top level components, the gridPanel (West) and the status bar added by default (South):
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Add buttons to gridPanel

Add the options panel to the GUI

Add a second panel, named 'optionsPanel', with constraints set to 'East', and layout set to 'verticalFlowLayout'. Add two buttons to the top of this new panel, the first with the text 'Play' and the second with the text 'Exit'. Finally add four JLabel and JTtextField pairs, with both the label text and textField name set to 'host', 'domain', 'user' and 'password'. Set the text in each JTextField to blank.

Set the gridPanel constraint to 'Center'.

Your GUI should now look something like this:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Display GUI

Import the J-Integra® runtime (jintegra.jar) and the tictactoe package

You are now about to add the code which actually interacts with the MTS COM components, but first you must import the J-Integra® runtime and the 'tictactoe' package generated by 'com2java'.

If you are running JBuilder under Solaris or Linux, copy the J-Integra® runtime (jintegra.jar) from the J-Integra® kit, and the tictactoe package to the Solaris/Linux machine from the Windows NT machine, and import them into JBuilder as described next (obviously the paths will be different).

Use the Project|Properties menu item, and select the Required Libaries tab in the Paths tab.

Click on Add... and then New..., set the Name to 'J-Integra® runtime', and click on Add... and browse to the J-Integra® runtime (jintegra.jar) in the J-Integra® kit directory (probably /jintegra/lib/jintegra.jar). Click on OK to add it to the project.

Now do the same thing again, but this time set the Name to 'Tic-Tac-Toe COM objects' and select the directory containing the 'tictactoe' directory containing the Java proxies generated by 'com2java':
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Reference J-Integra® proxies

Add the Play event handler

Double-click on the Play button to edit its event handler.

You will need to establish the authentication information used to access the COM object by calling com.linar.jintegra.AuthInfo.setDefault(...). Note that J-Integra® can use native code to pick up your current identity automatically, but since we want a client which will run on any operating system, we are explicitly setting the NT domain/user/password to be used.

Next create an instance of the Computer COM object, passing the name of the machine it is running on as a parameter.

We will invoke the addNewGame method to start a new game. As described above, some of the parameters are passed by reference (a single element array). In addition because the parameters are COM Variants they are mapped to the java.lang.Object type.

Having started the new game, we must update the symbols representing the human and the computer, and update the board if the computer has moved:

  tictactoe.Computer computer;
  int gameID;
  String us = "";
  String them = "";
  void jButton10_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    com.linar.jintegra.AuthInfo.setDefault(domain.getText(), user.getText(), password.getText());
    try {
      if(computer == null) {
        computer = new tictactoe.Computer(host.getText());
      Object gameIDPar[] = { null };
      Object order[] = { null };
      Object foeX[] = { null };
      Object foeY[] = { null };
      computer.addNewGame(false, gameIDPar, order, foeX, foeY);
      gameID = ((Integer)gameIDPar[0]).intValue();
      if(((Integer)order[0]).intValue() == 1) {
        us = "X";
        them = "O";
      } else {
        us = "O";
        them = "X";
        move(((Integer)foeX[0]).intValue(), ((Integer)foeY[0]).intValue(), them);
    } catch( ioe) {
      computer = null;
      statusBar.setText(ioe + "");

Add move(...) method

The move(...) method is called above to update the board:
  void move(int x, int y, String symbol) {
    if(x == 0 && y == 0) btn00.setText(symbol);
    if(x == 0 && y == 1) btn01.setText(symbol);
    if(x == 0 && y == 2) btn02.setText(symbol);
    if(x == 1 && y == 0) btn10.setText(symbol);
    if(x == 1 && y == 1) btn11.setText(symbol);
    if(x == 1 && y == 2) btn12.setText(symbol);
    if(x == 2 && y == 0) btn20.setText(symbol);
    if(x == 2 && y == 1) btn21.setText(symbol);
    if(x == 2 && y == 2) btn22.setText(symbol);

Add the grid button event handlers

Double-click on each of the buttons in the grid and add an event handler which calls the myMove method with the appropriate grid co-ordinates:
  void btn00_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    myMove(0, 0);

  void btn01_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    myMove(0, 1);

Add the myMove(...) method

The myMove(...) method is called when the user clicks on one of the buttons in the grid:
  void myMove(int x, int y) {
    if(gameID == 0) {
    move(x, y, us);
    Object foeX[] = { null };
    Object foeY[] = { null };
    Object win[] = { null };
    try {
      computer.newMove(gameID, true, x, y, foeX, foeY, win);
      switch(((Integer)win[0]).intValue()) { // constants defined by server
        case 1:
          statusBar.setText("You Won");
        case -1:
          move(((Integer)foeX[0]).intValue(), ((Integer)foeY[0]).intValue(), them);
          statusBar.setText("You Lost");
        case 2:
          move(((Integer)foeX[0]).intValue(), ((Integer)foeY[0]).intValue(), them);
          statusBar.setText("A tie");
        case -2:
          statusBar.setText("A tie");
          move(((Integer)foeX[0]).intValue(), ((Integer)foeY[0]).intValue(), them);
      gameID = 0;
    } catch( ioe) {
      statusBar.setText(ioe + "");
      computer = null;

Add the exit handler

Double-click on the exit button and add the following event handling code, which will release any COM objects that have not been garbage collected:
  void jButtonxx_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
do the same thing in the event handler which gets called when you close the window:
  protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) {
    if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) {

Finally, initialize the buttons to blanks

At the end of the jbInit method that was created for you, add the following code to set the button labels to blanks:

Configure DCOM access

Before running your new application, there are a couple of DCOM and MTS configuration steps to perform, on the NT machine running MTS.

First of all, you need to configure DCOM for remote access.

Start the Microsoft Transaction Server explorer (Start|Programs|Microsoft NT 4.0 Option Pack|Microsoft Transaction Server|Transacton Server Explorer). Right-click on the Microsoft Transaction Server|Computers|My Computer| Packages Installed|Tic-Tac-Toe branch, and select Properties. Go to the Security pane, and set the Authentication Level for Calls to Connect (J-Integra® does not support packet level authentication).

Run your JBuilder application

At last! Run your JBuilder application, enter the TCP/IP name of the NT machine for host, and the NT domain, NT username and password of the user you granted DCOM access to above:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Run JBuilder application

Just to remind you, this is the big picture once again:
Accessing MTS Hosted COM Objects from Java Using JBuilder 3: Overview


Few of us would disagree with the proposition that it is better to re-use existing software components rather than creating new components from scratch, however Java developers using JBuilder are rightly not overly keen on the idea of re-using COM components if this means compromising Java's core principles by having to write platform specific native code or by being tied into a specific operating system.

Such a compromise is no longer an issue. You have seen that by using JBuilder 3 (with J-Integra®) you can access new and existing COM components from Java without writing a single line of native code, and without having to install a single piece of runtime software on the Windows machine hosting the COM component. What is more, you have seen that your Java client can run on any platform that supports a standard JVM. This coupling of pure Java-COM bridging with minimal deployment overhead makes for a compelling solution.

The potential savings are enormous -- practically every large organization's IT department is split into two camps, one focused on Java, the other on Microsoft's COM and MTS, each camp duplicating each others efforts, wasting massive amounts of time on redundant design, code, tests and maintenance.

Now as a Java developer using Borland JBuilder 3 you can re-use the COM/MTS software components developed by your colleagues, and you can do so without compromising those very principles that made you choose Java and JBuilder 3 in the first place.

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